Lee Lindley

I'm Just Another Perl Hacker who wound up in a big Oracle Database playground

Lee Lindley Scratchpad

12/26/2021Perl REgexp vs Oracle
Making Oracle Regular Expression limitations suck a little less with a transform that lets you write the regex with Perl extended (comment) syntax.
12/18/2021Extracting BLOB from Oracle with Sqlplus
SQL*Plus and BLOB data. Yes you can.
10/17/2021Sql Tuning for Multiple Use Cases
Using parameterized hints in Dynamic SQL to satisfy multiple use cases with one set of code.
09/25/2021Why do I need Inline PL/SQL Methods?
WITH clause Functions and uses you may not have considered.
09/10/2021The Ubiquitous CSV File
The beginning of my search for the holy grail of CSV data generation and parsing.
09/09/2021Oracle Object Types as Application Interface
A design pattern for serving Web application data consumers using Oracle Objects and collections as a hierarchical payload.
05/09/2020Install Oracle Enterprise Linux and Oracle Database on a Dual Boot Windows 10 Machine
Way more detail than you could possibly want unless you are trying to install Oracle Linux and Oracle database.